In honor of International Day of Peace, the Stillpoint community will offer a pause to open our hearts to the unifying intention for world peace during this sacred time of Autumn Equinox. This special gathering will allows us to experience our global interconnection with everyone praying to end war and to cultivate a culture of peace.. Our time together will have moments of silent meditation, body prayer, readings, labyrinth walking and group reflection. We offer this event in belief that the action of connecting with each other here at Stillpoint allows us to deepen our awareness “that we are already One” in our efforts and desires for world peace.
Please join us and consider inviting a friend to partake in this International movement on September 21 from 10am – 12pm. If you are not able to join us in person, consider joining us in Spirit for the global 1 minute of Silence held at 12 Noon wherever you are.
- Website for the September 21, International day of Peace, click here
- For information on the September 21 “Minute of Silence/Moment of Peace: “The Peace Wave” – Noon in All time zones, click here
Event Details
Facilitator: Denise Plaisier
Date and Time: Saturday, September 21; 10am – 12pm
Location: 1625 Huntley Road, Bellingham, WA. This event is scheduled to take place on the sacred earth at Stillpoint. If it rains, we will hold it at the Stillpoint Cabin.
Ample free parking available: Look for signs marking the entrance to the parking area.
Cost: No fee for this event. Donations are greatly appreciated.