Dancing with the Wind: Cultivating Resilience and Flexibility as we Navigate Challenging Times
Using the strength and resilience of trees as a metaphor, our facilitator, Diane Sue, will guide us through practices and conversations that encourage each of us to find and celebrate our inner resources – the gifts that allow us to develop the psychological, physical, and spiritual flexibility to flow and grow with the changing times.
Like the mycelium-connected trees flourishing in the wild, we will explore the supportive influence of connections within our families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Participants will be able to explore these concepts within a sacred circle of trust using partner and group discussion, contemplative practices, journaling, and participation in a co-creative circle of rhythm. If the weather allows, we will spend some of our time outside on Stillpoint’s 5 acres. Please dress for being outdoors.

What to Bring
Please Register
Registration is required. See below.
Contact Denise Plaisier at dplaisier@msn.com