Welcome: We provide a place where you can be seen as you are, holy and human.
Nurture: We offer opportunities to nourish our deepest self through contemplative practices and connection to each other.
Risk: We encourage a stance of surrender to the Unknown and allowing our hearts to break open.
Deepen: We expand our capacity for joy, to be instruments of love and service to each other and Creation.
Upcoming Events
A Pilgrimage with Infinite Love in the Here and Now
How do you experience being companioned by The Divine Presence in your life? How do you risk opening your heart more fully to the Love that permeates ALL of life? You are invited to join us in this 3-part series, as we embrace our partnership with the Divine, [...]
Ongoing Events
Thin Place at Stillpoint
You are invited to join us for worship on the land of Stillpoint at Beckside. This is a "thin place" where the Mystery of our interconnection with the Creator and each other is honored and Earth's sacredness is palpable. These gatherings take place the second Sunday of every [...]
Centering Prayer Group
Our Tuesday Centering Prayer group is open to everyone. What is Centering Prayer? Centering Prayer is a way of praying that involves surrendering our thoughts as a way to simply be in God’s presence. It is a receptive method of silent prayer that is both a relationship with God [...]
Nourishing Edge Walkers
The term “edge walker” is used by Victoria Loorz, co-founder of the Wild Church Network to describe how she views herself as one who wanders along the hemlines of the “Christ tradition." She writes, “Edge walkers occupy a thin space and are by definition a bit lonely.” * We [...]
All Are Welcome
We seek to stay awake to Divine Love in these uncertain times of radical change to bring the gift of our presence to the world.
Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that this land on which Stillpoint at Beckside resides is the traditional territory of the Lummi and Nooksack peoples. Their presence is imbued in these mountains, valleys, waterways, and shorelines. May we nurture our relationship with our Coast Salish neighbors and the shared responsibilities to their homelands, where we all reside today.