Be Nourished
Engage with our World,
Amid Presence, Community and Sacred Earth
Upcoming Events
Stillpoint FunRaiser
ALL Are Invited to Stillpoint’s FunRaiser & 15th Year Celebration! Saturday, August 10th 5pm - 8pm Community Potluck begins at 5pm - 6:30pm Raffle Drawings at 6:30pm Entertainment by Helen Lowe & Steve Podry at 7:00pm Contributions of main dishes, salads or desserts for our potluck are most welcome. [...]
Equinox Gathering for International Day of Peace: “Cultivating a Culture of Peace”
In honor of International Day of Peace, the Stillpoint community will offer a pause to open our hearts to the unifying intention for world peace during this sacred time of Autumn Equinox. This special gathering will allows us to experience our global interconnection with everyone praying to end [...]
Ongoing Events
Thin Place at Stillpoint
All are invited to our monthly Celtic Circle Communion and Community “Thin Place,” a concept which is found in many spiritual expressions including Celtic Spirituality, will inform our monthly Ritual. This lens invites us to open to the natural world as a way to experience how God is [...]
Centering Prayer Group
Our Tuesday Centering Prayer group is open to everyone. What is Centering Prayer? Centering Prayer is a way of praying that involves surrendering our thoughts as a way to simply be in God’s presence. It is a receptive method of silent prayer that is both a relationship with God [...]
Nourishing Edge Walkers
A New Gathering! The term “edge walker” is used by Victoria Loorz, co-founder of the Wild Church Network to describe how she views herself as one who wanders along the hemlines of the “Christ tradition." Victoria invites us to consider whether we also are an edge walker and acknowledges [...]
All Are Welcome
Stillpoint invites an openness to our embodied experiences of Sacred dimensions, seen and unseen.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that this land on which Stillpoint at Beckside resides is the traditional territory of the Lummi and Nooksack peoples. Their presence is imbued in these mountains, valleys, waterways, and shorelines. May we nurture our relationship with our Coast Salish neighbors and the shared responsibilities to their homelands, where we all reside today.