The Two Labyrinths of Stillpoint
Moving through a labyrinth is a walking meditation. The twists and turns can frustrate and bewilder, but the single path leads to the center all who persevere.
The labyrinth is a symbol of everyday life. Sometimes we feel so close to our life goal that we can touch it. However, when we encounter a bend in the road and the way forward feels more like retreat and failure, we might feel that we are losing our direction. The labyrinth teaches that if we keep the faith, and continue to put one foot in front of the other, we will ultimately learn our purpose, fulfill our calling, and reach the central still point of our existence.
The labyrinth is a spiritual tool meant to awaken us to the deep rhythm that unites us to ourselves and to the Light that calls from within. In surrendering to the winding path, the soul finds healing and wholeness.
A labyrinth is an ancient meditation and prayer pattern that, until recently, had fallen out of use, especially in the United States. However, thanks to the work of the Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, an Episcopal priest and former Canon of Special Ministries at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, labyrinths have been revived as a modern tool for prayer, meditation and transformation. Today labyrinths can be found in churches, cathedrals, retreat centers, hospitals, schools, and backyards across the country.