Peggy Allen

“This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. Welcome and entertain them all!”  Rumi

Who is arriving at your beautiful house today, and how might your door open even wider to gather them in with love and acceptance?  Companioning people in the sacred container of soul guiding invites us into places that excite, confuse, scare and enliven us.  Through our consent to turn with curiosity and acceptance toward what our lives are bringing us, we find our inner wisdom and learn to open to compassion infused with joy.

It is my privilege and honor to have attended the Living School at the Center for Action and Contemplation and to have completed the Soul Guiding program through Pacific Jubilee in Canada.  Jungian psychology, ancestral healing, psychedelic medicine, ritual and soul collage are the primary resources that feed and inspire me.  Being part of the Stillpoint community grounds and gives meaning to this shared adventure of being alive.

Most recently the dance I am engaged in is that of befriending my own and my beloved’s deaths and finding joy in the fullness of the present moment.  What is it that is nourishing, challenging and calling to you on your unique path toward your inner wisdom, deep knowing and the presence of love?

Peggy’s contact information: email or cell phone 360-296-4348