How do you experience being companioned by
The Divine Presence in your life?
How do you risk opening your heart more fully
to the Love that permeates ALL of life?
You are invited to join us in this 3-part series, as we embrace our partnership with the Divine, here and now. The series will provide opportunities to deepen our awareness that we are not alone when facing our everyday challenges; we are being partnered and companioned by Infinite Love.
Our communal pilgrimage will include: drawing upon the wisdom of mystics, sharing, journaling, small group discussions, creative exercises and times of quiet reflection. When weather allows, there will be the option to spend time with the land.
This series will be facilitated by Denise Plaisier, Linda Conroy, Marguerite Johnson and Peggy Allen, the Stillpoint Discernment Team.
Date and Time:
Saturday, February 15
Saturday, March 8
Saturday, April 5
Times for each of the 3 gatherings: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Registration Fee for the Series:
$90.00 or what life circumstances allow.
Stillpoint at Beckside, 1625 Huntley Road, Bellingham, WA.