ALL Are Invited to Stillpoint’s FunRaiser & 15th Year Celebration!

Saturday, August 10th
5pm – 8pm

Community Potluck begins at 5pm – 6:30pm

Raffle Drawings at 6:30pm

Entertainment by Helen Lowe & Steve Podry at 7:00pm

Contributions of main dishes, salads or desserts for our potluck are most welcome. Stillpoint is providing bubbly drinks and wine.

Donations for our Raffle would be Greatly Appreciated. Handmade/Homemade items or whatever you feel inspired. to donate will be most gratefully received.

If you have a contribution you wish to donate to the raffle, please contact Mary McMahon

To help us plan, please RSVP by clicking on the registration button below.

There is ample parking by the Stillpoint cabin, If you have any ambulatory issues, feel free to park in front of the house on the blacktop.

In honor of Stillpoint’s 15th Anniversary and as a reflection of the evolving sense of our vision, a new logo for Stillpoint is being created by Helen Lowe using the image of the New Grange Tri-Spiral.

The photo above of a tri-spiral was created by Rich Perry out of cedar. It is one of the special raffle prizes for our Fun-Raiser & 15th Year Celebration on August 10.